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julia> n=2; R=QQ; @btime S, _ = polynomial_ring(R, "y" => 1:n, "t" => 1:n);
3.271 μs (83 allocations: 3.50 KiB)
julia> n=2; R=QQ; @btime S, _ = polynomial_ring(R, :y => 1:n, :t => 1:n);
2.319 μs (51 allocations: 2.27 KiB)
repeatedlyjulia> S, (y,t) = polynomial_ring(R, :y => 1:n, :t => 1:n);
julia> @btime gens(S)[1:n];
431.950 ns (15 allocations: 688 bytes)
julia> @btime y;
1.500 ns (0 allocations: 0 bytes)
existsjulia> @btime length(gens(S));
407.797 ns (13 allocations: 592 bytes)
julia> @btime ngens(S);
46.638 ns (0 allocations: 0 bytes)
gens(S; copy=false)
@ experimental/FTheoryTools/test/literature_models.jl:1 @
# runs 400 seconds, allocates 80 GB
@ experimental/FTheoryTools/test/tate_models.jl:1 @
# runs 215 seconds, allocates 65 GB
@ test/AlgebraicGeometry/Schemes/elliptic_surface.jl:1 @
# runs 480 seconds, allocates 122 GB
has 800 lines, where are the memory hogs?
)Test weierstrass form of models in F-theory on all toric hypersurfaces, defined over concrete base